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We think we may be having some problems with posts on the site going missing - anyone who can please post somthing random in this thread just so we know things are ok.


Why aren't you using your CM avatar?
Ouch, you twacked me.
Rhyle hira.
I got Thwacked by everyone! - sorry Amarie, i confess i forgot to update it until now it's been a bizarely busy week what with a thiry page usability analysis to write and sick grandparents, parts of said grandparents house collapsing, arguementative parents, friends leaving for Oz, friends returning to OZ, friends to support in competitions, writing parts of a business plan, some serious drinking with friends and looking for a job. Wow that was a busy week - i should write down what i do in a week more often! I feel the warm glow of accomplishment.
*pats Grep on the back*
There there, no one was thwacking you.

Well that was a busy week. Hope things will work out for the best. There is always the journals if you want to share, or the council e-mail. I promise we will go "Oooooooooh!" and "Ahhhhh!" and "Awwwww..." in the right places. Smile Smilie
What did you guys have to do to get your avatar to update - mine's being a pain.
Looks like you have succeded. Delete the old one and refresh twice after uploading.
Ahh - firefox's cache must be stickier than i thought.
Hey Grep, what does the text say on your avatar? It's too faint for me to see...
Thwack me! Thwack me! You can do it, Vee!
Thwacking? This is a Test Thread, not a Test Threat.
All I can say Grep is, it must be tough at the top!!!!
Hey Grep, what does the text say on your avatar? It's too faint for me to see...

Council Member....

You'd never guess I work in the eye clinic at the hospital Wink Smilie
Hey Grep, what does the text say on your avatar? It's too faint for me to see...
I can't see it either. Elf With a Big Grin Smilie
Since when has Grep been a Council Member? Wink Smilie

Sorry, Grep, just trying to be random as instructed.... The trouble I find with these CM banners, Grondy, isn't that I cannot read them, but that my avatar has compressed..... I wouldn't worry, but my once tall elf is gradually becoming short and stubby like a dwarf. This is the second time he's shrunk, because once upon a time he used to be a 90X70 Gif, the transformation to a 70X70 Gif knocking several inches off his once proud stature. At this rate, he'll soon be a hobbit.
No, silly people. Wink Smilie There is some white text on Greps avatar. On the birdy. Was easier to see before. I know I have seen the picture before but I cannot remember where. Tell us, Grep!!!

Val, you might wanna look a bit closer at your own avatar too, because I have not compressed it at all so I have no idea what you are complaining about. I deliberately did NOT compress it because the guy looked funny when I tried it. I was a bit worried that you would complain about the kitty being covered up, but... *laughs* no worries there, huh? Big Smile Smilie
Is it something like Apoll 1 murder crows
that is what I can see and semi read
Murder crows? Lance Armstrong won't be happy to hear that...

Anyway, speaking of murder, i'm currently getting a really weird google ad in this thread :

"Aria sells battle ready pets to aid you in battle! Adopt a widdle killing machine!" Orc Going Huh Smilie

Posting at random can be so much fun!
Whahay... too true!
okaaay maybe that was tooo random
Theres a lot of fun to be had with animal plurals - my favorite's a murder of crows but...



Apes - A shrewdness
Asses - A pace
Badgers - A cete
Bats - A colony
Bears - A sloth, sleuth
Buffalo - A gang, an obstinacy
Cats - A clowder, a pounce
Kittens...A kindle, litter, an intrigue
Cattle - A drove, herd
Deer - A herd, bevy (refers to roe deer)
Dogs (young)- A litter
Dogs (wild) - pack
Dogs (curs) - cowardice
Dogs (hounds) - cry, mute, kennel, pack
Elephants - A herd
Elk - A gang
Ferrets - A business
Fox - A leash, skulk, earth
Giraffes - A tower
Goats - A tribe, trip
Gorillas - A band
Hippo - A bloat
Horses (colts) - A team, harras, rag
Horses (single owner) - stud
Horses (ponies) - string
Hyenas - A cackle
Kangaroos - A troop
Leopards - A leap
Lions - A pride
Moles - A labor
Monkeys - A troop, barrel
Mules - A pack, span, barren
Otters - A romp
Oxen - A team, yoke
Pigs (young) - A drift, drove, litter
Pigs (swine) - sounder
Pigs (hogs) - team, passel
Pigs (boars) - singular
Porcupines - A prickle
Rabbits (domestic) - A colony, warren, nest, herd
Rabbits (hares) - A down, husk
Rabbits (young) - litter
Rhino - A crash
Seals - A pod, herd
Sheep - A drove, flock, herd
Squirrels - A dray, scurry
Tigers - A streak
Whales - A pod, gam, herd
Wolves - A pack, rout or route (when in movement)


Crocodiles - A bask
Frogs - An army
Toads - A knot
Turtles - A bale, nest
Snakes - A nest


Fish - A draft, nest, school, shoal
Bass - A shoal
Herring - An army
Sharks - A shiver
Trout - A hover


Ants - A colony
Bees - A grist, hive, swarm Caterpillars - An army
Clams - A bed
Cockroaches - An intrusion
Flies - A business
Gnats - A cloud, horde
Grasshoppers - A cloud
Hornets - A nest
Jellyfish - A smack
Locusts - A plague
Oysters - A bed


Birds (in air) - A flight
Birds (on ground) - volary, brace
Bitterns - A sedge
Buzzards - A wake
Bobolinks - A chain
Chicks - A brood; clutch
Coots - A cover
Cormorants - A gulp
Cranes - A sedge
Crows - A murder, horde
Dotterel - A trip
Doves - A dule
Doves (turtle) - pitying
Ducks (in air) - A brace, flock
Ducks (on water) - raft
Eagles - A convocation
Finches - A charm
Flamingos - A stand
Geese - A flock, gaggle
Geese - (flying) - skein
Grouse - A pack
Gulls - A colony
Hawks- A cast, kettle, boil
Herons - A sedge, a siege
Jays - A party, scold
Lapwings - A deceit
Larks - An exaltation
Mallards - A sord, brace
Magpies - A tiding, gulp, murder, charm
Martins - A richness
Nightingales - A watch
Owls - A parliament
Parrots - A company
Partridge - A covey
Peacocks - A muster, an ostentation
Penguins - A colony
Pheasant - A nest, nide, nye, bouquet
Plovers - A congregation, wing
Ptarmigans - A covey
Rooks - A building
Quail - A bevy, covey
Ravens - An unkindness
Snipe - A walk, a wisp
Sparrows - A host
Starlings - A murmuration
Storks - A mustering
Swallows - A flight
Swans - A bevy, wedge
Teal - A spring
Turkeys - A rafter, gang
Widgeons - A company
Woodcocks - A fall
Woodpeckers - A descent
Now this can actually be useful. I personally like a business of flies, a parliament of owls and a bloat of hippo. Elk Grinning Smilie
What about fairies??? Still waiting for a smiliey fairy!!! Big Smile Smilie Pleeeeze Wiggle Smilie
Should be a flight of fairies, an optimum of orcs, and a warren of worgs.
Val, you might wanna look a bit closer at your own avatar too, because I have not compressed it at all so I have no idea what you are complaining about. I deliberately did NOT compress it because the guy looked funny when I tried it. I was a bit worried that you would complain about the kitty being covered up, but... *laughs* no worries there, huh?

It must be the whole optical illusion created by the bottom of the avatar being covered up, which made the elf appear shorter. It's a relief to know he won't be needing to buy smaller clothes anytime soon. Big Smile Smilie
I love it when the word catches the essence of the group like a scurry of squirrels, a prickle of porcupines and a crash of rhinos. So poetic.

Can we make up our own?

Like a curry of squirrels?
Or a pickle of porcupines?
Curried squirrels? Pickled porcupines? What's this - Preserve Wildlife Week?

No, cooking with Elves. Very Big Grin Smilie
Nah! Today's the World laughter day and I was just trying to help!
I still want some fairies - go on Grep go on you know you really want to, go on go on go on just to shut me up..... : D Big Smile Smilie

A Fluffle of fairies - ohh I like that - A Group of Grondy's - A Laughter of Loni's & Laurels
A Vast amount of Vee's, Val's, Virumor's - A Treasure of Terryjayne's & Tommie's -
A Round of Robbin's - A Greatness of Grep (grovel grovel)

A Platter of Planet Tolkienites (coz I won't have the space for all the names)

Who started this thread - it's really good aint it heheheheheh Wiggle Smilie

I know the reply....... A Mental of Maymarion Waving Hello Smilie
I feel honoured to be included Maydmarion .
Hey you missed out something like a Lashing of Lord Aragorns and an Amo’nt of Amari’s!
How about, and no offense meant:

A Tumult of Tommies
A Muddle of Maydmarions
A Laughter of Lonies
...and an Ensemble of Eruwens perhaps? Smile Smilie
And a Gaggle of Grondys
C'mon everyone, if I missed you out, give us your name.... Ha Ha Ha Smilie Ha Ha Ha Smilie
A Venture of Valedhelgwaths
An Armada of Amaries.
A Greatness of Grondies.
A Vale of Vees.
I reckon that you should try to add in Rhapsody somehow...
A Realm of Rhapsodies

A Gathering of Gwaihirs

A Mirage of Miruvors

Happy Elf Smilie
a gathering of gwaihirs

I feel honoured to be included

Smile Smilie

It must be the whole optical illusion created by the bottom of the avatar being covered up, which made the elf appear shorter. It's a relief to know he won't be needing to buy smaller clothes anytime soon.

What Elf? Val, all I can see in your avatar and all I've been seeing in your avatar and probably all that I'll see in your avatar in the future, unless you show me the full scale image, is some mountain thing with three black flying saucers! (Ok. Maybe too much of the X-Files!) But that's all I can see in there!
You see, mate, you're too much into sci-fi. Snap out of it and stare at Val's avatar for some hours and you might just make out that there's an armoured elf standing on a ridge with a couple of mountain lions looking beyond the horizon for something. And there are mountains in the background. Using a microscope, you can make out a smoke signal in the distance. Have fun sight-seeing.
Wow! Did you use a microscope?Smile Smilie
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