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Thread: better suggestion!

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how about a lower council sort of thing, for more experienced people, and all help things can get passed through the lower council first. we could vote for them or something. the lower council people should get SOMETHING like a pay rise (60 mithril a log-in)
or some editing freedom or something.
Is there a need for a lower council?
I see what you mean by a lower council, but I don't know why we would need it.
On a website you don't want to have too much people with `moderator' rights, because it would get a mess. Things don't get done because everybody thinks the other will do it. Or things get over done. Too many people will result in too many differences. As moderators you want to operate as a team. Then it's better to have just a small team for logistic reasons.

However, on the other hand, you don't want to have a too small team, because things don't get done well either because there is too much for the team to handle.

With adding a lower council you disperse the power and obligations, but also would it be harder to guide the lower council. Besides that, if ideas and suggestions have to pass through the lower council first, you are at risk of creating a bureaucracy.

I don't see why we would need a lower council, but maybe you have arguments which I cannot yet perceive. So please, by all means, enlighten us.
There are quite a few bits around the site that need doing, and sometimes it seems that there are long delays in getting some things done. Generally this is not down to a lack of moderators, however. The eight of are usually on top of the things we are able to sort out. Unfortunately, many of the things which need doing and mending are due to the coding breaking down etc (for want of a technical term). Council Members cannot do this, even if we knew how. In the past all of these tasks have fallen on one over-stretched Taz, and will now fall on Grep to fix. Having a hundred moderators would not get these problems fixed any quicker, but would mean Grep would have a hundred people moaning at him rather than eight.

That does not mean other members cannot become more actively involved with the site, however. Those showing an interest in writing for example are frequently asked to judge in writing competitions or on the fan fiction panel etc. Before I became a CM, I used to supply Taz with entries for the Guide Project we were working on. The Biography was written by mainly non-council members. And just occasionally, Taz used to pull out some unsuspecting, promising member, and give them full Council Member status.
yea, but i was thinking more like you go to them instead of taz, to lay off him a bit. they could really use some people that know code or something to fix these problems.
also it would be a good idea to see if they are good enough for full council priveliges. i think it might be alright, like if the problem is worth it then the lower council can send it through to taz
but i was thinking more like you go to them instead of taz, to lay off him a bit

Well, Taz has already been "laid off" (as you would say). I guess, its all in the hands of Grep and the CMs. But then I do think that the more, the messier in this case.
Again, my two cents.

Taz isn't the owner and coder of this site anymore. It passed on to Grep.
Then there is the issue of people who know how to code and would like to help Grep. You don't have to make them a sort of council in order to let them help Grep. The programming stuff can be done without being a council member. It will happen through e-mail I would guess. You don't need any access rights on the website in order to help Grep. That would cause serious security risks.
true, i am a newbie and i forgot that taz doesn't do it anymore, and it can also be done via email. but there might be some uses for it, like they could do something for the chat room or something or their own little projects while the CM do the more important stuff. and then the CM's could agree to the change after 3 days or something, and the change is permanent. Maybe Grep wants a break or something or he goes for a holiday and wants somebody to step in for him - it can be useful. kind of like an understudy in a performance thing.
Grep has Holly to help with website stuff so things should be moving nicely soon. He has a few other ideas which may ease the website stuff as well so I think we should wait and see what happens.
good point. anyway, it might work but i guess we have to see if things work out now. hey, Vee, why does everyone say that you're going to cook up the newbies? you havn't tried to cook me yet. Or shouldn't I have said that... Paranoid Smilie

anyway, c ya
Wow, why make it so complicated? Orc Going Huh Smilie

The chat room has the crew it needs, very compitent people are in charge there. We in the Council monitors the forum, Grep and Holly takes care of what we can't and they have people to ask for asistance if they need it. We sort the tasks between us without any need for shift plans. Don't worry, things are under controll. Smile Smilie
Vee, why does everyone say that you're going to cook up the newbies? you havn't tried to cook me yet. Or shouldn't I have said that...

I don't know. I am much maligned and misunderstood. I love newbies... they are tender, fresh... er... I mean they bring new blood... er..... new ideas.

Now, if I fire up the BBQ it is just because it is cold here today. Nothing to do with grilling newbies.

Honestly, I am sweet and fluffy so please don't run away from me....
Now, if I fire up the BBQ it is just because it is cold here today. Nothing to do with grilling newbies.

Honestly, I am sweet and fluffy so please don't run away from me....
All I am going to say about Vee is that after she bought her own copy of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal we started a missing Newbies from around here at a rate of about one per week. Orc Smiling Smilie
Oi! You can't have two threads about me. Now get back on topic - or else!
what's wrong with having two threads about you, Vee. If there were two threads starring me (in your case it's for infamous reasons) i'd be very happy, but I could understand that people would write to me and worship me... I

nah, i'm just kiddin, but you'd better make sure that they stop talking about you (Have you seen the latest post about you?!), but I could put in a good word for you if...
nah i might say something for you though.

C yas
Oi! You can't have two threads about me. Now get back on topic - or else!

Here, more gas for the BBQ, Vee! *looks around at the newbies and smacks his lips*