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Thread: Who were they?

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The dead in the passage ways of the dead of what ppl were they?
Just wondering Smile Smilie
Men of Darkness who lived in the White Mountains and did not heed their Oath to Isildur and henceforth fell under his curse.
Ok thanks do you know of what race were they?
Well, the race of Men.
Man of the Twilight
yes the race of men but what race i seem to recall that it was mentioned in the book.
For at Erech there stands yet a black stone that was brought, it was said, from Numenor by Isildur; and it was set upon a hill, and upon it the King of the Mountains swore allegiance to him in the beginning of the realm of Gondor. But when Sauron returned and grew in might again, Isildur summoned the Men of the Mountains to fulfill their oath, and they would not: for they had worshipped Sauron in the Dark Years.

'Then Isuldur said to their king, "Thou shalt be the last king. And if the West prove mightier than thy Black Master, this curse I lay upon thee and thy folk: to rest never ubtil your oath is fulfilled. For this war will last through years uncounted, and you shall be summoned once again ere the end." ' -from 'The Passing of the Grey People' from RotK.
He was King of the Men of Ered Nimrais (of the White Mountains) these oathbreakers were probably kin of the Dunlendings.
I really did not respect those mountain men, not even after they decided to help and not murder Aragorn. Really what noble thing did they do? They were tormented in their spirits and wanted release but how hard is it to stand against the orc and uruk-hai warriors of Mordor when you are already dead and are just a spirit? They did not have to be brave and go and risk their lives to make things right this time. It moved me not at all.
maybe but it was their last chance to amend their error. Just think that if their help had not been obtained what would have happened in Gondor? A burned city, a massacred people, and once Gondor had fallen that would have meant the end of the western world as even the elves would not have long been able to resist Sauron. So i think tha those man did a good and important thing in the book.
Well that is true, but really , imagine the eternal embarrasment if they had declined. Still to me that is the same as the difference between a little child that runs out on to the street to rescue a lady being attacked for her purse by two huge murderous thugs, as opposed to her running back into the house and calling all her older brothers who then attack the men and win the day.
It was a nobrainer for them and no 'skin off their nose' if you know what I mean Smile Smilie hahaha.
But there were no older brothers for Aragorn to appeal to; thus he had to appeal to those who previously had been damned by Isidur for denying his appeal for their aid against Sauron. All he could offer them was the end of their damnation, if they now offered their aid to the heir of Isildur against this same enemy.

They had spent 3000 years in their state of undead and wished it to be over. They knew their original denial had been wrong, and repenting instead of killing Aragorn and his followers in retaliation for that damnation, jumped at Aragorn's offer. I felt sorry for them and happy their spirits could be laid to rest.
Same here, I feel the same as Grondy.
Yes...I was glad the cowards were able to fufill their oathes...though I wonder why peter jackson took all the other Dunedian out of the movie...because they went with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli...probably seemed more exciting to have just three people ( well...a man, an elf and a dwarf) go in to face the undead, than a whole horde of them.
Three people was correct, Elrond after appointing Gandalf to the Nine Walkers against the Nine Rider said, 'For the rest, they shall represent the other Free Peoples of the World: Elves, Dwarves and Men.' - from 'The Ring Goes South' in FotR.

PJ, by using only three, made it a lot scarier. And three better fit the scale of the screen, than would the hoard of the thirty-four actually in Aragorn's party. (Halbarad told Aragorn he had brought thirty of the Rangers of the North with him in 'The Passing of the Grey Company' of RotK.)
When I read the book, I was imagining how great it would be to see the D’nedains and Elrond's sons with Aragorn...BUT PJ just didn't film that.