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Thread: walk in and have a seat game

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could see or
hear them hollering
or making faces
to strangers jumping
through the hoops
of fire over
(a) span of time
because she said
that the swordmaker
couldn't hit the
big barn door
with a shotgun
unless he pointed
through his mid-section
it would be
a mistake to
digest that tire
and shoot ones-self
whilst eating chocolate
covered Macadamia nuts
all over the
the keep's upper
eyelid, it burned
right through our
to the dungeon's
corner, of which
a nest of
Shelob's Children
which were crawling

Smaugwillfall, please try to use three word posts in this game; though if you don't there is no penalty, but it usually make for a more descriptive story. Happy Elf Smilie
with dirty, infested
...Smeagol's birthday during...
the lighting of
the birthday candles
an Istari appeared
with a long
and ever so
white beard that
he lassoed whoever
walked by carrying
worries in (a) basket
which he was
throwing as far
over his head
as possible, considering
the gravitational pull
one of Nature's
inconsistent spiritual anomalies
able to threaten
the Mirkwoodian butterfly
from flying more
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