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Thread: walk in and have a seat game

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and the sun
was due east
The Fight could
start as soon
they gathered all
educated referees from
the pub that
refused service to
the men from
the London Sewer-system
because the smell
from the kitchen
However back at
other end of
the Greenway, three
golf-players were discussing
favorite alcoholic drinks
they've never tasted
one wondered about
dragon's breath with
mint .Would that
make another passion?
Maybe St.George and
Santa Claus ate the
last dragon, which
they found in
a Tolkien-novel called
What in Middle-Earth???
Strange title, but
nevertheless so true
found hidden under
a bushel basket
by two talkative
elderly spinster crows
also known as
Hugin and Munin (oops, they were ravens)

Heckle and Jeckle (opps, they were magpies)

Take your pick.
cut some rocks - if one have to use the pickaxe; but as the spinsters being crows, or at least acting like such; Ravens or magpies does not count; Grondy has to name them properly; hasn't he ?? Good and Evil Smilie Angel Smilie Good and Evil Smilie
Miss_Emily and Miss_Naomi (Grondy forgot he could make-up their names.) Elf Sticking Tounge Out Smilie
the models were
plain to see
what was happening
that's why they
attended the tavern
in the first
place, which was
the reason for
going into it.
Looking back at
the thread's conditions
there were a
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