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Thread: Finish the sentence fool!

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.....Death Star, preparations for the great war were procceding as according to schedule. Darth Vader had offered his allegiances to Sauron and to stop such an alliance of baddies from forming, the Jedis.....
... built this huge india rubber eraser with which to rub them out. The only problem was its size, which the Jedi felt was ...
... too huge to be manipulated easily. So they hired ....
a large pencil to stick it onto, thinking that it would be easier to hold a pencil than a rubber. Of course Darth and Sauron knew what was happening (you know the force thingy and the palantir), so they decided to get a large bottle of tippex to white (wipe hehe) out the Jedi, but as you all know the Jedi all have in built in tippex thinner, which make the....
... the moral of this story: "Don't force the light through a number nine sieve, for if you do ..."
....there will not be one light but thousands of lights that will be emitted causing...
... the Dark side to spread itself so thin that its effect will be relegated to a minor faction of slightly greyness, which can then be ...
....made to cause optical interference showing alternate dark and bright bands thus proving the wave theory of light which explains the fact that.....
science is full of holes where light can pour through where only the little fairy people can catch the rays to get a nice suntan on days when....
... the Dark doesn't gobble these rays up. One particular family of Dark were such meanies that they would hide under bushel baskets waiting for unsuspecting fairies to come along surfing the rays and when they were least expected, they'd ...
....ambush them and soak up the light with their perfectly black bodies. These Dark forces can be easily recognised by their....
rainbow coloured hair which flows from under hugh sunhats. Of course if you think about it....
...the Dark Side doe look very beautiful unlike as suggested by the name given to them. Actally, the name was given to them because...
one day the people in general were getting soooo tired so someone decided to create night. A letter was sent to the man in the moon asking him to show his 'dark side' so all the people could eventually go to sleep. The sun was not at all happy about this he wanted to shine all the time so a letter was sent to Mr Atlas, asking him to put the world on his shoulders and turn the world slowly. This meant that the sun shone all the time but only on half of the world. Everyone was happy but.....
... one of Mr. Atlas's legs was shorter than the other; therefore, the world was tipped on its axis causing seasonal changes in the weather as he trudged around the Sun each year looking for ...
....the Imperishable Flame which burnt somewhere in the universe. It is rumoured to be located at...
...alderaan, the planet that was known for...
....being the only source of the delicious pina chippalata cocktail which was widely savoured throughout the galaxy due to its...
dead maggot which is found at the bottom of the glass, drinkers are warned about this drink - to swallow the maggot is lethal - you will change into a maggot the size of a human. The crisps that go with the drink taste like....
... last summers sneakers (gym shoes) topped with a salsa comprised of epson salts and ...
....sprayed with the essence of socks which had been worn on the same feet for a month and never washed, thereby giving the palate a nice, smoothly blended taste of a ....
... light chocolate mousse with just a hint of ...
....lemon. It is best when chilled and eaten with a....
...snow shovel.

When they finished their repast, they donned their jodhpurs and pith helmets and set out for ...
...for the galaxy far, far away because they had heard that....
... the kindly Wizard of the Verdant Vale would help them to: get back home; obtain a brain; obtain a heart, or obtain courage. All they had to do was ...
... to be one of the first 100 callers to call the Intergalactic Music Prime Radio Station whence their names will be entered in the lucky draw and the winner will be rewarded with ...
20 pieces of mithril but of course mithril is no longer a valid currency so was taken a little machine where the mithril was put in and a gold coin came out. Not any gold coin, a magic gold coin and when you rubbed the coin......
out comes a gene from Alladin who says to you
... a scantily clad lady popped up with an offer to sell you life insurance and/or a candle to light your way in the ...
...down the hall to the bathroom you take the...
....staircase to the right climbing down which you arrive at a place where there are...
... six tall windows that looked to the west towards the setting sun, which was sinking like a flaming ...
whiskey that burns down youre throught reminding you of...
...the first time you spat fire out of your mouth in the carnival where all the dignitaries were present including...
... your mother and father, his boss and his wife, your first grade teacher, and the little old man who lives across the ...
....puddle which your dog used to drink its daily dosage of water from. But co-incidentally, that man was a vet who was distinguished in that....
... he had a menagerie of trained fleas who populated a full-fledged three ring circus including carnival and side shows. The Ringmaster wore ...
...a bright red, two feet tall top hat, in which he housed the fleas. Along with this, he had a tiny whip, not to whip the fleas, of course, but to look good beside them. He even trained a few fleas to stand on each other's shoulders and wear a miniature elephant constume. Things were all hunky-dory until one day...

the gingerbread man decided to go on a diet, the outcome being he started to crumble as he wasn't eating the right ingredients. So he went to the bakers Pudding lane and asked to be made into a jam tart but....
... the baker had no jam or jelly. All he had left was some questionable salmon paste which he used to make the tarts. The neighbors all joined in eating these with gusto; however, the next morning none of them appeared on their doorsteps to take in the milk. This was later attributed to ...
a newly found disease found only in Salmon and its close relitive salmon paste. the syptoms of this so called salmony poisining are...
death. which makes finding this desease really easy but...
... actually diferentiating it from another cause of death can only be determined by the fishy aroma on the non-breath of the victim. Also connatative of this symptom can be a pinkiness under the victim's ...
toe which usaully sweels up to....
the size of a dirty old troll frodo my dear boy.....
so get some bigger shoes!! a good shoe maker is...
hard to find but of course if you've got big hairy feet who needs shoes. Meanwhile the water sprite in the local pond had decided it was time for a knees up so....
... so she toweled-off, set up her chaise-lounge, grabbed a gin and tonic, and spent the rest of the afternoon catching too many rays. Now then, have you ever seen or heard a sunburnt water sprite? Well, let me tell you ...
the steam and the much so that the sun decided it was time to go and popped to the other side of the world, whereupon the water sprite froze and shattered into a thousand pieces of sparkling droplets of jewel-like......
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