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Thread: Finish the sentence fool!

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That had a purple great dane that could.....
... bark like a chicken while standing on one leg, while balancing a egg on his ...
on his hairy hobbit toe!

sorry if this is not an exact quote-

"Sometimes it must be that way, sam, someone has to give up good things, lose them, so that others may... hog swill so that Harry Potter...
can borrow Ron's wand and turn Bilbo into a goldfish so he only has a memory of three seconds. But Bilbo soon saw to that, and he took the wand and
forgot what he was going to do with it because his three seconds had run out. So...
...he jumbed on his broomstick and flew to...
..Lothlorien to doink Galadriel's wig and pretty..
... pink parasol after stopping off in Lexington for some Bar-B-Qed spare ribs, so his fingers were good and ...
severed he drew an imaginary sword yelled charge and ran up the stairs to.........
...Arwen's room and smashed the door only to find...
... Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, and Eeyore arguing over who was hogging all the covers. Eeyore said it wasn't him because ...
....he was at anger managment when everyone was in Arwens room. All of a sudden she walks in and says to Piglet.......
"Oh your so cute!" Piglet takes one look at Arwen and turns to Winnie.........
"Oh my God! Is she mad?"

Piglet turns to look in the mirror, poses and pouts...
... at least I'm prettier than Gollum and Arwen. You also could be pretty too, Bilbo if you would quit eating ...
(I'm back)
...all thoses fatty acid filled donuts...
...which really make your...
... stomach look bigger than your head! Try eating ...
...orc toes, they are very...
... tasty and less filling, while at the same time ...
they make you think you're being filled up. Unfortunately, the fact that they're poison really....
like how bad can it be, like totally no body thinks of the advantages of poisen, it like totally helps with the brain!

And so they went on and on with each other and............
... finally arrived at an Imp Pass where they decided all they could do was ...
...sit down in the snow and eat camel, while the...
Big headed Imps in their teeny tinny caves watched and wispered to each other...
"I could do with a bit of camel too!" so they...
walked down with their big heads, and they fell over all the time because of the weight, scaring the whole company and so they ran away in fear. The Imps looked at eachother and said: "it's not like they're..........
"...very smart, look they left their..."
... Camel's saddle, and its hooves too. So one put a hoof on each of his hands and feet; a second tied the saddle on the first Imp's back; and then they all ...
...ate him.

And it came to pass, it the time of the Orcs wars that...
...there was absolutely nothing they could wage war about! They tried killing each other for no reason, but even the Orcs got tired of that, so they decided to...
...bake bread. So thay got out all the supplies but found that...
...all the fish had rotted and the soft drinks had been used as cherry broth by samwise to cook fish... they melted iron and stirred that into...
...a lovely, delicate cordial, that could turn your insides to metal so you could eat Sam's cooking. Then as the last drop was consumed, a strange scent came from...
... left armpit of the Head Orc. It smelled almost exactly unlike a cross between garlic, Tommy Girl, O'de Crankcase Drainings, and well aged rat, except that ...
... the head orcsleft armpit had actually been replaced by a...
singing plasticene hippo, and it turned blue and...
...flamenco danced. The head orc then slew it, and as it died, its spirit descended on the orcs, and the orcs all screamed because...
it was singing Brittany Spears' new song "Toxic". The orcs tried to stop this horrible sound by........
...stuffing dried gorilla into their ears. But...
The stuffing needed a big slice of cornbread & some county gravey or it could not be eaten. Big Laugh Smilie Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
... the ponies were getting a little uneasy. The horses seemed to have gone missing, along with the cows, the cats, the dogs and the mice. The only animals left were...
... were a couple of lambs who looked a little’if I may say it’sheepish: for one had feathers sticking out of its mouth and the other was covered in offal, sort of like it had been rolling in it like a common dof ... er make that dog.

Now there must have been a reason for the above and that is just what our hero, Ms. Pansy Parker of 'Nosey's Dectective Agency' set out to discover. First she ....
decapitated a few radio speakers, then she.....
...removed the stuffing from three pillows, before...
... adding three eyes of newt, seven gray spider legs, and one worn velveteen stuffed rabbit; then mixing it all together and placing it in ...
...a lime-green Versace bag, Parker sold it to a pawn shop, that was illegally run by a troupe of singing nuns.The nuns had an enormous...
collection of worn velveteen stuffed rabbits, which they sold to inconspiciously looking passers-by, who then...
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